- execute
ex·e·cute /'ek-si-ˌkyüt/ vt -cut·ed, -cut·inga: to carry out fullyincludes not only executed violence, but also threatened violence — Louisiana Civil Codeb: to do what is provided or required byexecute a contractexecute a search warrantc: to deem (a use in property) to confer full seisin in a cestui que use by operation of the Statute of Uses2: to perform what is required to give validity to; esp: to complete (as by signing and delivering) in proper formexecute a noteexecute a deed3: to put to death in compliance with a judicial death sentence
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- execute
(accomplish) verb
achieve, act, act upon, attain, bring about, bring to pass, carry into effect, carry into execution, carry out, commit, complete, discharge, do, effect, effectuate, efficere, enact, fulfill, manage, perform, perpetrate, put in action, put in force, realize, see through, succeed, take action, transact
associated concepts: execute a contract, execute a note, execute a promise, execute a warrant, execute after entry of a judgment, execute an agreement, execute an instrument, execute an obligation, execute an order, execute the laws, executed consideration, executed contract, executed estate, executed fine, executed remainder, executed trust, execution creditor, execution debtor, execution lien, execution sales, garnishment, tax execution
(sentence to death) verb
condemn, condemn to death, deprive of life, dispatch, end life, inflict capital punishment, kill, punish with death, put to death, put to death according to law, slay, supplicium
associated concepts: execute pursuant to a death sentence, execution of a sentence, sentence
abide, accomplish, apply (put in practice), certify (attest), close (agree), collect (recover money), commit (perpetrate), compose, conclude (complete), conduct, consummate, countersign, culminate, discharge (perform), dispatch (dispose of), dispatch (put to death), effectuate, enforce, engender, exercise (discharge a function), fabricate (construct), fulfill, function, garnish, generate, handle (manage), implement, impose (enforce), kill (murder), levy, make, manage, obey, observe (obey), officiate, operate, oversee, perfect, perform (adhere to), perpetrate, produce (manufacture), pursue (carry on), render (administer), render (deliver), sign, slay, transact, undertake
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- execute
v.(1) To put into effect; to complete; to carry out an action; to sign a legal document and perform any other tasks needed to make it legally binding.(2) To put to death.n.execution
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- execute
1) To finish, carry out, or perform as required, as in fulfilling one's obligations under a contract, plan, or court order.2) To complete and otherwise make valid a document, such as a will, deed, or contract, for example by signing it and having it notarized.4) To murder or assassinate.Category: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & DebtCategory: Business, LLCs & CorporationsCategory: Small Claims Court & LawsuitsCategory: Wills, Trusts & Estates
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- execute
v. To sign a contract, will, or other legal document; to carry out a duty; to recover funds under a judgment; to put a criminal defendant to death.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- execute
To complete; to make; to sign; to perform; to do; to carry out according to its terms; to fulfill the command or purpose of. To perform all necessary formalities, as to make and sign a contract, or sign and deliver a note.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- execute
To complete; to make; to sign; to perform; to do; to carry out according to its terms; to fulfill the command or purpose of. To perform all necessary formalities, as to make and sign a contract, or sign and deliver a note.II To complete; to sign; to carry out according to its terms.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- execute
v.1) to finish, complete or perform as required, as in fulfilling one's obligations under a contract or a court order.2) to sign and otherwise complete a document, such as acknowledging the signature if required to make the document valid.3) to seize property under court order.4) to put to death pursuant to a sentence rendered by a court.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.