
in·tent /in-'tent/ n
1: the act or fact of intending: as
a: the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal act called also criminal intent; compare knowledge, mens rea, motive, negligence
b: the purpose to commit a tortious act having consequences that the actor desires and believes or knows will occur
constructive intent: intent that is inferred to exist (as from willfulness or recklessness) in relation to an act
criminal intent: intent (1a)
general intent: intent to perform an illegal act without the desire for further consequences or a precise result
there was a general intent to assault but not to kill
specific intent: intent to perform an illegal act with the knowledge or purpose that particular results will or may ensue
assaulted him with specific intent to kill
trans·ferred intent
1: intent attributed to a person who intends to cause another harm when the harm is accidentally inflicted on an unintended victim
2: a doctrine in tort and criminal law: a wrongdoer who causes harm to a person other than the one intended may nevertheless be held to have intended the harmful result
b: the purpose of a document (as a contract or will)
c: the aim or goal of a person in creating a document or taking an action
the court's attempt to fulfill the donor's intent
the intent of the contracting parties implied by their language see also original intent
with intent: with the intent to commit another sometimes specified crime
entered the apartment with intent to commit theft therein
a drug dealer charged with possession with intent

Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun aim, attentus, choice, contemplation, design, determination, end, erectus, intentus, meaning, mind, motive, object, objective, plan, point, predetermination, purport, purpose, resolution, resolve, scheme, scope, view, volition associated concepts: charitable intent, corrupt intent, criminal intent, felonious intent, fraudulent intent, general intent, implied intent, intent of parties to contract, intent of testator, intent to defraud, larcenous intent, malice, mutual intent, premeditation, presumed intent, specific intent, testamentary intent, transferred intent foreign phrases:
- Quod factum est, cum in obscuro sit, ex affectione cufusque cap it interpretationem.When there is doubt about an act, it receives interpretation from the feelings or disposition of the actor
- Impunitas continuum affectum tribuit delinquendi.Impunity confirms the disposition of a delinquent
- Intentio mea imponit nomen operi meo.My intent gives a name to my act
- Non aliter a significatione verborum recedi oportet quam cum manifestum est, aliud sensisse testatorem.The ordinary meaning of the words ought not to be departed from unless it is evident that the testator intended otherwise
- Quicunque jussu judicis aliquid fecerit non videtur dolo maio fecisse, quia parere necesse estWhoever does anything by the command of a judge is not deemed to have done it with an evil intent, because it is necessary to obey
- Voluntas et propositum distlnguunt maleficia.The will and purpose distinguish offenses.
- In criminallbus, sufficit generalis malitia intentionis, cum facto parts gradus.In crimes, a general malicious intent suffices where there is an act of equal degree.
- In criminallbus, voluntas reputabiturpro facto.In criminal cases, the intent will be taken for the deed
- Voluntas facit quod in testamento scrtptum valeat.The will of the testator gives validity to what is written in the will.
- Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea.An act does not render a person guilty, unless the mind is guilty
- Impunitas continuum affectum tribuit delinquendi.Impunity confirms the disposition of a delinquent.
- In atrocioribus delictis punitur affectus licet non sequatur effectus.In the more atrocious crimes the intent is punished, although an effect does not follow.
- Malitia est acida; est mail animi affectus.Malice is sour; it is the quality of an evil mind
- Voluntas in delictis, non exttus spectator.In crimes, the intent, and not the result, is regarded
II index animus, cause (reason), circumspect, connotation, contemplation, content (meaning), destination, earnest, forethought, goal, hot-blooded, idea, industrious, intense, objective, pertinacious, plan, point (purpose), project, purpose, purposeful, reason (basis), scienter, serious (devoted), signification, spirit, volition, will (desire)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Plan, resolve, or intention; desire to bring about a particular result; the state of mind of a person who wants to do a certain act and accomplish a particular result.
intend See also motive

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

The mental desire to act in a particular way. Many crimes require that in order to be found guilty, the perpetrator must have intended to do what he did. An act may be one of many possible crimes depending on the intent of the perpetrator. For example, if A shoots and wounds B, the offense could be attempted murder (if A intended to kill B), assault with intent to cause great bodily injury (A was intending to merely wound B), a minor misdemeanor (A shot on purpose but could not have known that B was around), or no crime at all (A fired the gun completely by accident). (See also: specific intent)
Category: Criminal Law
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolos Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 The perpetrator's frame of mind in committing an criminal act.
2 The wishes and desires of the framers of the United States Constitution or of legislation.
@ original intent
The view that the United States Constitution should be strictly construed in light of the framer's intentions, rather than with modern values and interpretations.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A determination to perform a particular act or to act in a particular manner for a specific reason; an aim or design; a resolution to use a certain means to reach an end.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A determination to perform a particular act or to act in a particular manner for a specific reason; an aim or design; a resolution to use a certain means to reach an end.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   mental desire and will to act in a particular way, including wishing not to participate. Intent is a crucial element in determining if certain acts were criminal. Occasionally a judge or jury may find that "there was no criminal intent." Example: lack of intent may reduce a charge of manslaughter to a finding of reckless homicide or other lesser crime.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • intent — n *intention, purpose, design, aim, end, object, objective, goal Analogous words: *will, volition, conation Antonyms: accident Contrasted words: *chance, hap, luck, fortune, hazard intent adj Intent, engrossed, absorbed, rapt mean having one s… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Intent — In*tent , a. [L. intentus, p. p. of intendere. See {Intend}, and cf. {Intense}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Closely directed; strictly attentive; bent; said of the mind, thoughts, etc.; as, a mind intent on self improvement. [1913 Webster] 2. Having the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • intent — ► NOUN ▪ intention or purpose. ► ADJECTIVE 1) (intent on/upon) determined to do. 2) (intent on/upon) attentively occupied with. 3) showing earnest and eager attention. ● to all intents a …   English terms dictionary

  • intent — [in tent′; ] for n., also [ in′tent΄] adj. [L intentus, pp. of intendere: see INTEND] 1. firmly directed or fixed; earnest; intense [an intent look] 2. a) having the mind or attention firmly directed or fixed; engrossed [intent on his studies] …   English World dictionary

  • Intent — in law is the planning and desire to perform an act, to fail to do so (i.e. an omission) or to achieve a state of affairs in psychological view it may mean a different thing.In criminal law, for a given actus reus ( guilty act ), the required… …   Wikipedia

  • Intent — In*tent , n. [OE. entent, entente, attention, purpose, OF. entente, F. entente understanding, meaning; a participial noun, fr. F. & OF. entendre. See {Intend}.] The act of turning the mind toward an object; hence, a design; a purpose; intention;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • intent on — (doing something) determined to do something. She seems intent on specializing in family law …   New idioms dictionary

  • intent — [adj] determined, resolute absorbed, alert, attending, attentive, bent, bound, committed, concentrated, concentrating, decided, decisive, deep, eager, earnest, engaged, engrossed, enthusiastic, firm, fixed, hell bent*, immersed, industrious,… …   New thesaurus

  • intent on — index solicitous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • intent — Design, resolve, or determination with which person acts. Witters v. United States, 70 U.S.App.D.C. 316, 106 F.2d 837, 840. A state of mind in which a person seeks to accomplish a given result through a course of action. As used in intentional… …   Black's law dictionary

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