pass vi
1 a: to issue a decision, verdict, or opinion
the Supreme Court pass ed on a statute
b: to be legally issued
judgment pass ed by default
2: to go from the control, ownership, or possession of one person or group to that of another
title pass es to the buyer
1: to omit a regularly scheduled declaration and payment of (a dividend)
2 a: to get the approval of
the bill pass ed the House
b: to give approval or legal sanction to
the House pass ed the bill
3: to transfer the right to or interest in
the sale pass es the title to the goods
4: to put in circulation
pass bad checks compare utter
5: to pronounce (as a sentence or judgment) judicially
the court pass ed a severe sentence

Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (advance) verb abalienatio, award, bequeath, cede, change, change ownership, communicate, confer ownership, continue, convey, cross, deliver over, devolve, endow, flow, go, go by, go on, go past, praetervehi, proceed, progress, relay, remise, transfer ownership, transfer title, transgredi, transire, transmit, transpire associated concepts: pass by will, pass title II (approve) verb accede to, accept, acquiesce, adopt, advocate, affirm, agree to, allow, approbate, assent, authorize, be in favor of, carry, confirm, consent, declare lawful, decree, dictate, enact, endorse, establish, establish by law, favor, give approval, give legislative sanction to, institute, institute by law. iubere, legalize, legislate, legitimize, make into law, make legal, ordain, ordain by law, prescribe, put in force, put into effect, put through, ratify, sanction, support, sustain, uphold, validate, vote favorably, vote in associated concepts: pass a law III (determine) verb announce, decide, declare, decree, deliver, deliver a judgment, determine, enunciate, give an opinion, impart, ordain, present, pronounce, pronounce judgment, put forth, render a decision, render a judgment, rule, set forth associated concepts: pass judgment IV (satisfy requirements) verb accomplish, achieve, approbare, attain, be accepted, be graduated, be promoted, be successful, be victorious, come up to the standard, conform to, conquer, do well, earn, finish, fulfill, get by, get through, make ones mark, master, meet requirements, prevail, qualify, reach, realize, satisfy requirements, stand the test, succeed, triumph V index alienate (transfer title), circulate, confirm, constitute (establish), convey (transfer), decide, enact, experience (encounter), expire, exude, forgo, franchise (license), give (grant), grant (transfer formally), incident, key (passport), legislate, outbalance, penetrate, perambulate, perish, permit, plight, posture (situation), predicament, pretermit, promote (advance), surmount, surpass, transcend, transfer, transmit, traverse

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006


Nolos Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

As a verb, to utter or pronounce, as when the court passes sentence upon a prisoner. Also to proceed; to be rendered or given, as when judgment is said to pass for the plaintiff in a suit.
In legislative parlance, a bill or resolution is said to pass when it is agreed to or enacted by the house, or when the body has sanctioned its adoption by the requisite majority of votes; in the same circumstances, the body is said to pass the bill or motion.
When an auditor appointed to examine any accounts certifies to their correctness, she is said to pass them; i.e., they pass through the examination without being detained or sent back for inaccuracy or imperfection.
The term also means to examine anything and then authoritatively determine the disputed questions that it involves. In this sense a jury is said to pass upon the rights or issues in litigation before them.
In the language of conveyancing, the term means to move from one person to another; i.e. to be transferred or conveyed from one owner to another.
To publish; utter; transfer; circulate; impose fraudulently. This is the meaning of the word when referring to the offense of passing counterfeit money or a forged paper.
As a noun, permission to pass; a license to go or come; a certificate, emanating from authority, wherein it is declared that a designated person is permitted to go beyond certain boundaries that, without such authority, he could not lawfully pass. Also a ticket issued by a railroad or other transportation company, authorizing a designated person to travel free on its lines, between certain points or for a limited time.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

As a verb, to utter or pronounce, as when the court passes sentence upon a prisoner. Also to proceed; to be rendered or given, as when judgment is said to pass for the plaintiff in a suit.
In legislative parlance, a bill or resolution is said to pass when it is agreed to or enacted by the house, or when the body has sanctioned its adoption by the requisite majority of votes; in the same circumstances, the body is said to pass the bill or motion.
When an auditor appointed to examine any accounts certifies to their correctness, she is said to pass them; i.e., they pass through the examination without being detained or sent back for inaccuracy or imperfection.
The term also means to examine anything and then authoritatively determine the disputed questions that it involves. In this sense a jury is said to pass upon the rights or issues in litigation before them.
In the language of conveyancing, the term means to move from one person to another; i.e.
to be transferred or conveyed from one owner to another.
To publish; utter; transfer; circulate; impose fraudulently. This is the meaning of the word when referring to the offense of passing counterfeit money or a forged paper.
As a noun, permission to pass; a license to go or come; a certificate, emanating from authority, wherein it is declared that a designated person is permitted to go beyond certain boundaries that, without such authority, he could not lawfully pass. Also a ticket issued by a railroad or other transportation company, authorizing a designated person to travel free on its lines, between certain points or for a limited time.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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