material representation — As an element of fraud:–a representation of fact which influences a person to act, as to enter into a contract or transaction which, in the absence of the representation, would not have been a subject of engagement by him. 37 Am J2d Fraud § 178;… … Ballentine's law dictionary
material representation or misrepresentation — A misrepresentation is material if it relates to a matter upon which plaintiff could be expected to rely in determining to engage in the conduct in question. Barrington Press, Inc. v. Morey, C.A.I11., 752 F.2d 307, 310. In law of deceit, a… … Black's law dictionary
material representation or misrepresentation — A misrepresentation is material if it relates to a matter upon which plaintiff could be expected to rely in determining to engage in the conduct in question. Barrington Press, Inc. v. Morey, C.A.I11., 752 F.2d 307, 310. In law of deceit, a… … Black's law dictionary
material — ma·te·ri·al 1 /mə tir ē əl/ adj 1: of, relating to, or consisting of physical matter 2: being of real importance or consequence 3: being an essential component the material terms of the contract 4: being relevant to a subject under considerati … Law dictionary
representation — rep·re·sen·ta·tion n 1: one that represents: as a: a statement or account made to influence opinion or action compare warranty 3 b: an incidental or collateral statement of fact on the faith of which a contract is entered into the contract of… … Law dictionary
representation — Any conduct capable of being turned into a statement of fact. Scandrett v. Greenhouse, 244 Wis. 108, 11 N.W.2d 510, 512. Statement of fact made to induce another to enter into contract. As element of actionable fraud includes deeds, acts or… … Black's law dictionary
material fraud — A fraud which so influenced the conduct of the injured party in leading him to enter into the transaction that without it he would not have done so. Boulden v Stilwell, 100 Md 543, 60 A 609. See material concealment; material representation … Ballentine's law dictionary
material misrepresentation — See material representation … Ballentine's law dictionary
Representation (arts) — Representation describes the signs that stand in for and take the place of something else.Mitchell, W. 1995, Representation , in F Lentricchia T McLaughlin (eds), Critical Terms for Literary Study , 2nd edn, University of Chicago Press, Chicago]… … Wikipedia
Material girl (chanson) — Material Girl Single par Madonna extrait de l’album Like a Virgin Photo: Steven Meisel Face A Material Girl Face B Pretender … Wikipédia en Français