
I adjective abundant, accustomed, bristling, catholic, common, considerable, crowded, current, customary, dense, dominant, endless, epidemic, extensive, far-reaching, galore, general, manifold, many, multitudinous, numerous, pandemic, plenteous, plentiful, popular, populous, predominant, prevailing, prevalent, profuse, rampant, regnant, reigning, replete, swarming, teeming, thick, unending, universal, usual, well-supplied, widespread, worldwide II index general, ordinary, populous, predominant, prevailing (current), prevalent, profuse, rampant, replete, usual

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  • RIFE — is a full stack open source Java web application framework with tools and APIs to implement most common web features. Each of its toolkits is usable by itself and together they offer powerful integrated features that boost your productivity. RIFE …   Wikipedia

  • Rife — Rife, a. [AS. r[=i]f abundant, or Icel. r[=i]fr munificent; akin to OD. riff, rijve, abundant.] 1. Prevailing; prevalent; abounding. [1913 Webster] Before the plague of London, inflammations of the lungs were rife and mortal. Arbuthnot. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rife — [raıf] adj [: Old English; Origin: ryfe] 1.) [not before noun] if something bad or unpleasant is rife, it is very common ▪ Violent crime is rife in our inner cities. 2.) rife with sth full of something bad or unpleasant ▪ The crowded factories… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rife´ly — rife «ryf», adjective, adverb. –adj. 1. happening often; common; numerous; widespread: »all those noises so rife in a Portuguese inn (George Borrow). SYNONYM(S): prevalent. 2. well supplied; …   Useful english dictionary

  • rife — [ raıf ] adjective never before noun if something bad or unpleasant is rife, there is a lot of it: Corruption in sports is rife. rife with: The investigation was rife with rumor and speculation …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rife — [rīf] adj. [ME rif < OE ryfe, akin to MDu rijf, abundant, ON rifr, desired < IE * reip < base * rei : see REAP] 1. frequently or commonly occurring; widespread [malicious gossip was rife] 2. a) abundant b) abounding [an interpretation ri …   English World dictionary

  • rife — O.E. rife abundant. Related to O.N. rifr (Swed. river, Norw. riv), M.Du. riif, M.L.G. rive abundant, generous. The prevalence of the word in early southern texts is in favour of its being native in English, rather than an adoption from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • rife — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (especially of something undesirable) widespread. 2) (rife with) full of. DERIVATIVES rifeness noun. ORIGIN Old English, probably from an Old Norse word meaning «acceptable» …   English terms dictionary

  • rife — *prevailing, prevalent, current Analogous words: abundant, *plentiful, copious, ample: *common, ordinary, familiar …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • rife — [adj] overflowing abounding, abundant, alive, common, current, epidemic, extensive, frequent, general, many, multitudinous, numerous, pandemic, plentiful, popular, prevailing, prevalent, profuse, raging, rampant, regnant, replete, ruling,… …   New thesaurus

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