
index impossibility

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  • impossibility — im·pos·si·bil·i·ty n pl ties 1: the quality or state of being impossible; also: the affirmative defense that something (as performance) is impossible 2: something impossible 3: impossibility of performance in this entry fac·tu·al impossibili …   Law dictionary

  • Taviani, Paolo — (1931 ) and Vittorio Taviani (1929 )    Directors and screenwriters. In one of the most remarkable partnerships in the history of Italian cinema, brothers Paolo and Vittorio Taviani have always written and directed their films in harmonious… …   Guide to cinema

  • Taviani, Paolo — (1931 ) and Vittorio Taviani (1929 )    Directors and screenwriters. In one of the most remarkable partnerships in the history of Italian cinema, brothers Paolo and Vittorio Taviani have always written and directed their films in harmonious… …   Historical dictionary of Italian cinema

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