
ex·pert n: a person with special or superior skill or knowledge in a particular area see also expert witness at witness

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I adjective able, accomplished, acquainted, adept, adroit, all-knowing, apt, artful, caliidus, capable, clever, cognizant, competent, conversant, deft, dexterous, effective, efficient, encyclopedic, experienced, facile, finished, handy, ingenious, knowing, knowledgeable, learned, masterful, masterly, omniscient, practiced, prepared, professional, proficient, qualified, sciens, seasoned, skilled, skillful, trained, tried, versed, veteran, well-qualified, wise associated concepts: expert evidence, expert opinion, expert witness, handwriting expert II noun authority, connoisseur, experienced hand, experienced person, experienced personnel, genius, knowing person, man of erudition, man of learning, master, master hand, mastermind, paragon, practiced hand, practitioner, professional, proficient person, qualified person, sage, savant, scholar, skilled hand, skilled practitioner, sophisticate, specialist, specializer, specially trained person, strategist, technician, trained person, trained personnel, veteran, virtuoso associated concepts: expert testimony, expert witness III index capable, cognizant, competent, deft, efficient, familiar (informed), informed (educated), learned, mastermind, practiced, professional (trained), professional, proficient, qualified (competent), specialist, subtle (refined), veteran (adjective), veteran (noun)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Someone with great knowledge about a particular topic, such as science, medicine, art, or business. See also lay witness

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

n. An individual of recognized knowledge in a particular topic, typically confirmed by academic standing and publications, who is called upon by one of the parties to testify in court as to his or her opinion of the underlying facts. Also referred to as expert witness.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • expert — expert, erte [ ɛkspɛr, ɛrt ] adj. et n. m. • espert XIIIe; lat. expertus, p. p. de experiri → expérience I ♦ Adj. Qui a, par l expérience, par la pratique, acquis une grande habileté. ⇒ adroit, exercé, expérimenté, habile. Un technicien expert. ⇒ …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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