
I adjective abiding, ageless, ceaseless, changeless, chronic, confirmed, constant, continued, continuing, dateless, deep-seated, durable, endless, enduring, engrafted, entrenched, established, eternal, everlasting, fast, fixed, immortal, immutable, imperishable, incommutable, indefatigable, indefeasible, indelible, indestructible, ineradicable, inextinguishable, infinite, ingrained, insusceptible to change, interminable, intransient, intransmutable, invulnerable, irremovable, irreversible, irrevocable, lasting, long-lasting, never-ceasing, never-ending, never-stopping, nonreversible, perdurable, perduring, perennial, perennis, perpetual, perpetuated, persevering, persistent, persisting, preserved, radicated, remaining, reverseless, rooted, secure, sempiternal, set, stabilis, stable, static, stationary, staying, steadfast, steady, surviving, sustained, tenacious, unalterable, unceasing, unchangeable, unchanging, unchecked, undestroyable, undying, unending, unerasable, unfading, unfailing, unflagging, uninterrupted, unmodifiable, unmovable, unrepealable, unshifting, unvarying, unwavering, unyielding, without end II index chronic, constant, continual (perpetual), conventional, durable, fixed (securely placed), fixed (settled), immutable, indefeasible, indelible, indestructible, infinite, ingrained, irreversible, irrevocable, last (final), noncancellable, perpetual, stable, standing, static, unalterable

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Fixed; continuing or lasting without interruption; intended to stay in the same place or the same condition indefinitely.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • permanent — permanent …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • permanent — permanent, ente [ pɛrmanɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. et n. • 1370; permegnant « stable » 1120; lat. permanens, p. prés. de permanere « demeurer jusqu au bout » 1 ♦ Qui dure, demeure sans discontinuer ni changer. ⇒ constant, stable. L essence permanente des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • permanent — PERMANÉNT, Ă, permanenţi, te, adj. Care există, care durează mereu sau mult timp fără a se schimba, care se petrece fără întrerupere; necontenit, neîntrerupt. ♢ Ondulaţie permanentă (şi substantivat, n.) = ondulaţie a părului făcută printr un… …   Dicționar Român

  • permanent — per‧ma‧nent [ˈpɜːmənənt ǁ ˈpɜːr ] adjective 1. permanent contract/​job/​employment HUMAN RESOURCES a contract, job etc that is intended to continue for a long time or for ever: • The company has created 650 permanent jobs. • He is acting chief… …   Financial and business terms

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  • permanent — permanent, ente (pèr ma nan, nan t ) adj. 1°   Qui dure sans changer. •   Vois tu, passant, couler cette onde, Et s écouler incontinent ? Ainsi fait la gloire du monde, Et rien que Dieu n est permanent, MALH. VI, 23. •   L homme n a point ici de… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Permanent — Per ma*nent, a. [L. permanens, entis, p. pr. of permanere to stay or remain to the end, to last; per + manere to remain: cf. F. permanent. See {Per }, and {Mansion}.] Continuing in the same state, or without any change that destroys form or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • permanent — Adj ständig, anhaltend erw. fach. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. permanent, dieses aus l. permanēns, dem PPräs. von l. permanēre ausharren, verbleiben , zu l. manēre bleiben und gr. per .    Ebenso nndl. permanent, ne. permanent, nschw.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • permanent — early 15c., from M.Fr. permanent (14c.), from L. permanentem (nom. permanens) remaining, prp. of permanere endure, continue, stay to the end, from per through + manere stay (see MANSION (Cf. mansion)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • permanent — Adj. (Mittelstufe) ununterbrochen, die ganze Zeit dauernd Synonyme: fortwährend, pausenlos, ständig, unablässig, unentwegt, kontinuierlich (geh.) Beispiele: Sie haben permanente finanzielle Probleme. Er kommt permanent zu spät zur Schule …   Extremes Deutsch

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