pass by devise

pass by devise
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  • pass on — Synonyms and related words: OK, abalienate, accept, accredit, add a codicil, advance, affirm, alien, alienate, amen, amortize, approve, assign, authenticate, authorize, autograph, barter, be lost, bequeath, break, broadcast, carry over, cease to… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • devise — Synonyms and related words: add a codicil, arrange, assemble, assign, attested copy, beget, bequeath, bequeathal, bequest, bestow, blueprint, breed, bring forth, bring into being, build, calculate, call into being, cast, chart, codicil, cogitate …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Grants Pass — 42° 26′ 20″ N 123° 19′ 42″ W / 42.438889, 123.328333 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • descend — de·scend /di send/ vi: to pass by inheritance de·scen·di·bil·i·ty / ˌsen də bi lə tē/ n de·scend·ible / sen də bəl/ adj Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • hand something down — PASS ON, pass down; bequeath, will, leave, make over, give, gift, transfer; Law demise, devise. → hand * * * 1) pass something on to a younger person or a successor songs are h …   Useful english dictionary

  • education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… …   Universalium

  • Legal history of wills — Wills in the Ancient WorldThe will, if not purely Roman in origin, at least owes to Roman law its complete development, a development which in most European countries was greatly aided at a later period by ecclesiastics versed in Roman law. In… …   Wikipedia

  • bequeath — be·queath /bi kwēth, kwēt̲h̲/ vt [Old English becwethan to speak to, address, leave by will, from be to, about + cwethan to say]: to give by will used esp. of personal property but sometimes of real property; see also legacy, legatee compare de …   Law dictionary

  • Rule against perpetuities — The rule against perpetuities is a rule of law in effect under the property, trusts, estate, and contract law of many common law jurisdictions. The rule invalidates certain future interests (traditionally contingent remainders and executory… …   Wikipedia

  • Liste de devises militaires — Sommaire 1 Australie 2 Belgique 3 Canada 3.1 Écoles militaires canadiennes 3.2 Armée de terre …   Wikipédia en Français

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