shock with sudden fear

shock with sudden fear
index frighten

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • fear — n 1 Fear, dread, fright, alarm, dismay, consternation, panic, terror, horror, trepidation denote the distressing or disordering agitation which overcomes one in the anticipation or in the presence of danger. Fear is the most general term; like… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • fear — I. verb Etymology: Middle English feren, from Old English fǣran, from fǣr Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. archaic frighten 2. archaic to feel fear in (oneself) 3. to have a reverential awe of …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Shock and awe — Shock and awe, technically known as rapid dominance, is a military doctrine based on the use of overwhelming power, dominant battlefield awareness, dominant maneuvers, and spectacular displays of force to paralyze an adversary s perception of the …   Wikipedia

  • shock — shock1 shockable, adj. shockability, n. shockedness, n. shocklike, adj. /shok/, n. 1. a sudden and violent blow or impact; collision. 2. a sudden or violent disturbance or commotion: the shock of battle. 3. a sudden or violent disturbance of the… …   Universalium

  • shock — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. shake, jar, jolt; startle, surprise, horrify, scandalize, dis gust; paralyze, stun; galvanize, electrify. n. concussion, jar, impact; brunt, onset, assault; earthquake, temblor; prostration, stroke …   English dictionary for students

  • Nervous shock (English Law) — Nervous shock is a term used in English law to denote psychiatric illness or injury inflicted upon a person by intentional or negligent actions or omissions of another. It is most often applied to psychiatric disorders triggered by witnessing an… …   Wikipedia

  • Nervous shock in English law — English Tort law Part of the common law series Negligence Duty of care Bolam test Breach of duty Causation …   Wikipedia

  • frighten — I verb affright, alarm, browbeat, bully, bullyrag, cow, daunt, deter, disquiet, exterrere, fright, give cause for alarm, horrify, intimidate, menace, panic, petrify, raise apprehension, scare, shock, shock with sudden fear, startle, strike with… …   Law dictionary

  • frighten — v. a. Alarm, affright, terrify, dismay, intimidate, scare, shock with sudden fear …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • frighten — frightenable, adj. frightener, n. frighteningly, adv. /fruyt n/, v.t. 1. to make afraid or fearful; throw into a fright; terrify; scare. 2. to drive (usually fol. by away, off, etc.) by scaring: to frighten away pigeons from the roof. v.i. 3 …   Universalium

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