
of·fi·cial 1 n: one who holds or is invested with an office esp. in government
a municipal official
official 2 adj
1: of, relating to, or holding an office, position, or trust
official duties
2: fully authorized
an official policy of the bank
of·fi·cial·ly adv

Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I adjective accredited, approved, assured, attested, authenticated, authoritative, ceremonious, certain, certified, conclusive, correct, decided, definite, dependable, endorsed, established, formal, guaranteed, indisputable, insured, legitimate, licensed, magisterial, officiary, proper, proven, publicus, reliable, sanctioned, to be depended on, to be trusted, trustworthy, undeniable, unequivocal, unimpeachable, valid, verified, worthy of confidence associated concepts: official act, official bond, official business, official misconduct, official notice, official proceeding, official record II noun administrative head, administrator, bureaucrat, executive, executive officer, functionary, head of government, leader, leader of affairs, office bearer, officeholder, officer, overseer, person in authority, person responsible, praefectus, public office holder, superintendent, supervisor associated concepts: public official III index actual, certain (fixed), choate lien, civic, clerk, ex officio, factual, formal, functionary, genuine, incumbent, indubious, legitimate (rightful), magistrate, notary public, officer, politician, valid

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A person who holds an office.
With the authority of a public body; done by an officer.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1) An act, document, product, or anything else sanctioned or authorized by a public officer or public agency. Examples might include an Official Boy Scout knife or emblem, or an official warranty, membership card, or set of rules.
2) A public officer or government employee who is empowered to exercise judgment.
3) An officer of a corporation or business.
Category: Business, LLCs & Corporations
Category: Patent, Copyright & Trademark
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolos Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

   1) adj. referring to an act, document or anything sanctioned or authorized by a public official or public agency. The term can also apply to an organizational act or product which is authorized by the organization, such as an Official Boy Scout knife or emblem, an official warranty, membership card or set of rules.
   2) n. a public officer or governmental employee who is empowered to exercise judgment.
   3) n. an officer of a corporation or business.
   See also: officer

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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