
I noun absolute assertion, acknowledgment, acquiescence, adfirmatio, adjurement, affirmance, approval, assertion, assertory oath, asseveration, attest, attestation, authentication, averment, avouchment, avowal, certification, confirmation, declaration, deposition, endorsement, establishment, factual statement, formal declaration, legal evidence, legal pledge, oath, oath-giving, oath-taking, positive statement, predication, profession, pronouncement, ratification, solemn affirmation, solemn averment, solemn avowal, solemn declaration, statement, statement on oath, substantiation, swearing, sworn evidence, sworn statement, testification, testimonial, testimonium, testimony, validation, verification associated concepts: affirmation of fact, affirmation to a will, attorney's affirmation foreign phrases:
- Affirmatio unius exclusio est alterius. — The affirmance of one thing is the exclusion of the other.
II index acknowledgment (avowal), adjuration, approval, assent, assertion, asseveration, assurance, attestation, attribution, averment, avouchment, avowal, certification (attested copy), claim (assertion), confirmation, consensus, consent, corroboration, declaration, declaratory judgment, disclosure (something disclosed), jurat, legalization, oath, parole, permit, profession (declaration), promise, pronouncement, reference (recommendation), sanction (permission), statement, subscription, support (corroboration), surety (certainty), testimony, thesis, vow

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

The act of confirming that something is true. It can be used as a substitute for an oath in the case of religious or ethical objections to swearing.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1 The act of affirming the truth of one's statement. It serves the same purpose as an oath and is usually done when the declarant objects to making an oath on religious or ethical ground.
2 A voluntary and written ex parte statement of facts. It is sometimes required that the document be signed and the truth of its content be affirmed by the declarant in the presence of a notary public or another officer authorized to administer oaths.
See also oath, affirm, affidavit.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A solemn and formal declaration of the truth of a statement, such as an affidavit or the actual or prospective testimony of a witness or a party that takes the place of an oath. An affirmation is also used when a person cannot take an oath because of religious convictions.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A solemn and formal declaration of the truth of a statement, such as an affidavit or the actual or prospective testimony of a witness or a party that takes the place of an oath. An affirmation is also used when a person cannot take an oath because of religious convictions.
II A solemn and formal declaration that an affidavit is true. This is substituted for an oath in certain cases.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • affirmation — [ afirmasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1313; affermation XIIe; lat. affirmatio 1 ♦ Action d affirmer, de donner pour vrai un jugement (qu il soit, dans la forme, affirmatif ou négatif); le jugement ainsi énoncé (opposé à interrogation).⇒ assertion, proposition.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Affirmation — • A solemn declaration accepted in legal procedure in lieu of the requisite oath Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Affirmation     Affirmation      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • affirmation — AFFIRMATION. s. f. Expression par laquelle on assure qu une chose est vraie. Il n est guère d usage qu au Palais, où il se prend pour, Assurance avec serment, et dans les formes juridiques. Prendre un acte d affirmation. Je m en rapporte à votre… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • affirmation — Affirmation. s. f. Asseurance qu une chose est vraye. Il n a guere d usage qu au Palais, où il se prend pour, Asseurance par serment, & dans les formes juridiques. Prendre un acte d affirmation. je m en rapporte à vostre affirmation. le Juge a… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Affirmation — is a declaration that something is true. It may also refer to:* a positive judgment: in logic, the union of the subject and predicate of a proposition * Affirmation in law, a declaration made by and allowed to those who conscientiously object to… …   Wikipedia

  • Affirmation — Af fir*ma tion, n. [L. affirmatio: cf. F. affirmation.] 1. Confirmation of anything established; ratification; as, the affirmation of a law. Hooker. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of affirming or asserting as true; assertion; opposed to {negation} or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • affirmation — (n.) early 15c., assertion that something is true, from O.Fr. afermacion (14c.), from L. affirmationem (nom. affirmatio) an affirmation, solid assurance, noun of action from pp. stem of affirmare (see AFFIRM (Cf. affirm)). In law, as the Quaker… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Affirmation — (lat.), Bejahung, Bestätigung; Gegensatz der A. ist die Negation (s. d.); affirmativ, bejahend …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Affirmation — (lat.), Bejahung, Bestätigung; affirmatīv bejahend; affirmieren, bekräftigen, bejahen …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Affirmation — Affirmation, Bejahung, Verb. affirmiren, Adject. affirmativ …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

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