
gross 1 /'grōs/ adj [Middle English, immediately obvious, from Middle French gros thick, coarse, from Latin grossus]
1: flagrant or extreme esp. in badness or offensiveness: of very blameworthy character
a gross violation of the rules of ethics
a gross abuse of trust
2: consisting of an overall total exclusive of deductions
gross annual earnings compare net
gross·ly adv
gross·ness n
gross 2 n: overall total exclusive of deductions
in gross
1: as a lump sum see also lump sum alimony at alimony
2: independently existing, belonging to a person, and not attached to land see also easement in gross at easement
gross 3 vt: to earn or bring in (an overall total) exclusive of deductions (as for taxes or expenses)

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (flagrant) adjective absolute, aggravated, atrocious, big, colossal, considerable, deplorable, dire, disgusting, dreadful, easily seen, egregious, enormous, evident, extreme, fulsome, gigantic, glaring, grave, great, grievous, heinous, horrible, huge, immense, indelicate, lamentable, large, manifest, massive, monstrous, obvious, odious, offensive, outrageous, reprehensible, shameful, shocking, terrible, unmitigated, utter associated concepts: gross fraud, gross inadequacy, gross misconduct, gross neglect, gross negligence, gross unfairness II (total) adjective aggregate, all-inclusive, complete, comprehensive, entire, exhaustive, full, inclusive, incredibilis, intact, inviolate, lacking nothing, magnus, nimius, plenary, unabridged, unbroken, uncut, undeducted from, undeleted, undiminished, undivided, unexpurgated, unreduced, unshorn, unshortened, whole, without deductions associated concepts: easement in gross, gross earnings, gross estate, gross income, gross profit, gross receipts, gross sales, gross value III index aggregate, blatant (obtrusive), brutal, depraved, entirety, excessive, exorbitant, extreme (exaggerated), flagrant, heinous, improper, inelegant, iniquitous, lurid, manifest, nefarious, objectionable, obnoxious, outrageous, repulsive, salacious, scurrilous, stark, total, totality, uncouth, unseemly, whole (undamaged)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) Of income or profit, total, before deductions.
(2) Extreme; blatant. Gross income.
All income from all sources. See also negligence

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

Great; culpable; general; absolute. A thing in gross exists in its own right, and not as an appendage to another thing. Before or without diminution or deduction. Whole; entire; total; as in the gross sum, amount, weight—as opposed to net. Not adjusted or reduced by deductions or subtractions.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Great; culpable; general; absolute. A thing in gross exists in its own right, and not as an appendage to another thing. Before or without diminution or deduction. Whole; entire; total; as in the gross sum, amount, weight—as opposed to net. Not adjusted or reduced by deductions or subtractions.
Out of all measure; beyond allowance; flagrant; shameful; as a gross dereliction of duty, a gross injustice, gross carelessness or negligence. Such conduct as is not to be excused.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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